The opening weekend of racing on 13-14 April was postponed to 27-28 April because several sailors could not come on the first date.
Ted English hosted the Pursuit Sail Event on 20 April to what started as a perfect sailing day. The event is a reverse start with a known distance and the handicaps applied to the start times, with slow boats starting first and fast boats starting last. Ideally, everyone would finish at the same time. Three boats showed up in a dying breeze. Claude Phelps left the docks a little late, but arrived at the start line with about 30 seconds to spare and started his Catalina 22 in 5-8 knots with Kurt Hagen in his Catalina 27 starting in even less air five minutes later. About two minutes after Kurt, Rod and Jill Coker started their Hunter 30 in a dead calm. The calm lasted about 10 minutes and affected Kurt also. The course went from just south of Shangri-La to a mark 1.5 miles west, then back east around the tip of Monkey Island to a mark near Harbor Village and then back to the start line. A breeze filled in and it looked like Rod could catch Kurt, but both parked in a calm off Shangri-La with Kurt just able to get some air and continue on. With Claude on the last leg in just a little bit of air, Rod decided the parking lot was too big and cranked up the iron genny. Claude finished as he started, first, and Kurt was second.
The club wants to thank Ted English for volunteering to do this event. He may do it again next year, but it is very discouraging that members of club will not support efforts of people like Ted trying to make the club a fun, vibrant place to come. Besides racing on the 4-5 May and 18-19 May, Roy Goding is sponsoring a GLSC Cruise on 8-9 June where members will cruise to one or more spots at the south end and spend the night, returning the next day. Please contact Roy and let him know you will be joining him; 918-314-5739.
Of course, on 1-2 June, the club is hosting the first of our two big regattas for the year, the Grand Cup Regatta. A registration form was included in the last newsletter and is available on our website. The regatta is Sat and Sun, two races each day with an included breakfast and $5 dinner. Nice trophies will be awarded the first three boats in each fleet with B-fleet reserved for non-racers who want to have fun. You have already spent most of the money, now come on out and have a great time!
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