Lots of members of Grand Lake Sailing Club worked hard to empty out the old clubhouse of appliances, cabinets, dishes, cookware, bookcases, paperwork, pictures, trophies and anything that was not attached and some things that were attached. Tools, hoses, lawncare items and everything stored under the deck was also removed. Even the octagon window with the GLSC logo, handmade by a previous member, Gary Daniels, was removed and saved to be put in the new clubhouse.
Most things were carefully wrapped and put on a trailer on loan from the Frear’s which is now stored in McFarland’s storage building. Other Items were moved to the foyer of the Ladies bathhouse and a few things are stored in the Men’s bathhouse as well. These items will remain in storage until they can be reinstalled in the new clubhouse.
Thanks to the amazing group of people who participated. It was a mix of long-time members and brand-new members and it was fun getting acquainted. The project ended with pizza on Lawson’s Landing.
Overall, it was a grand success!
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