Thank you, Thank you, Thank you-A thousand THANK YOUs to all who came out for workday!
Very successful workday, had 50 people sign in.
(Bought pizza for 64 and ran out too early so may have been more workers or there were 50 voracious appetites ) My sincere apologies to those who only got strawberry cake for lunch
Got lots done. A very good day
Sign is up
Block wall built
Mulching of flower beds
Built a workable step next to the concrete ‘ramp’ off the clubhouse deck
Burn pile burnt
Ramp is clean of the leaves
Dock waterline replaced with PEX
Bell is mounted
Landing is cleaned
Flags and burgee are up
Painting done in and around the clubhouse
Deck is cleaned
Lots and lots of cleaning
I’m probably missing something but it all was appreciated. Great to see so many members investing their time in Grand Lake Sailing Club
I apologize as well for those that I didn’t get to say hi too, I did see many new faces as well as the familiar ones
Peggy Herrman got lots of pictures and videos posted so make sure you check those all out.
Many Thanks again to all ! Now let’s go sailing!!
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